A Japanese Study for Crepey Skin

I don’t trust the feds or any of these studies but when an angelpaster and friend

said that her knees and elbows weren’t being repaired by angelpaste as much as her hands it made me wonder why.

In my own experience, I have had crepey skin on my knees and thighs and arms.

So I started listing off the things that helped me get rid of them:

Me: Dry brushing?

Friend: I do that.

Me: Using olive oil soap?

Friend: I got mine.

Me: Exfoliating with a salux cloth during baths?

Friend: I’ll get one!

Me: Body scrub?

Friend: They tend to make my bath slippery.

Me: Diet full of eggs and other vitamin rich foods?

Friend: very healthy diet

Then I said: Have you tried doing lunges and lifting weights?

You see I was listing off all the POSSIBLE variables that could have helped my skin and not hers.

We’re similar ages and skin types and she is a very beautiful woman who has always taken great care of her body.

Friend: I do regular walks daily.

We ended our chat and I was stumped.

Why did my skins texture on my arms and legs improve and hers did not?

THEN I saw this study:

“Resistance training rejuvenates aging skin by reducing circulating inflammatory factors and enhancing dermal extracellular matrices”

This was a Japanese study done on healthy middle aged sedentary women. There were two groups:

  1. Women who did aerobic exercise only

  2. Women who did resistance training

Both women had significantly improved skin elasticity but the group who did Resistance Training (which includes lunges) had significant dermal thickness.

Now the cause of crepey skin can be the thinness of the skin so this was a light bulb moment. I looked back in my brain photo album and saw flashes of the super fit women in their 70s I had witnessed and their gorgeous non crepey skin.

I started lunging.

I’m actually lunging as I write this.


I’ll update this blog when my friend gets back to me and tells me her skin results from this newest aha moment.

Thank you for reading this far. If you did, you’re my favorite. :*

So to reiterate: Angelpaste, non drying soap (maybe no soap on those areas), dry brushing, exfoliating with a salux cloth (amazing Japanese invention), healthy diet rich in vitamin A and other vitamins, sleep, filtered water, and lifting light weights and lunges. If you can’t do those exercises, just look up resistance training that looks easiest for you. I remember my grandma Evelyn used to do Sit and Be Fit! It was sitting in a chair and pulling on these resistance bands she had. She lived to 100 and looked beautiful every single one of those years.



P.S. Salux cloth:



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